Area Sales Manager

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Area Sales Manager

verifiedwork outline icon6 - 10 Years of Experiencerupess outline icon3.00L - 3.50L  Per Annumtime outline iconFull Time

Bhargava Phytolab Private Limited

time outline iconJaipur, Rajasthan, India

Posted on 15-09-2023


1 Vacancy


  • You will be responsible to manage sales of your assigned area.
  • You will be responsible to control and manage your team members including FSO’s & T.O.’s.
  • You are expected to provide guidance, solve problems, and motivate field personnel to achieve the assigned targets.
  • You will be responsible to keep contact with NSM, RSM & corporate managers to apprise activities in the field and give total market feedback.
  • You will be responsible to ensure complete implementation of company’s strategies and time to time announced sales programmes of the company. 
  • On the job training to FSO’s and T.O.’s to effective working and results.


 You will be regularly provide development status of field personnel working under

  • Making presentations to the Doctors and detailing them about the products’ uses, constituents and other information required.
  • Building and maintaining positive working relationships with Doctor, dealer staff and supporting administration staff.
  • Keeping detailed records of all contacts and regular up-dation of the same at the Head Office.
  • Planning work schedules and weekly & monthly timetables. This may involve working with the RSM team or discussing future targets with the National sales manager and henceforth reaching or if possible, exceeding annual sales targets.
  • Working with team managers and territory officers to plan how to approach contacts and creating effective business plans for making sales in a particular area.
  • Collection of payments against the sales achieved in your area shall also be your responsibility. You have to ensure that the payments which are collected, gets deposited in Company’s bank Accounts within the credit period allowed. Unpaid sale shall not be counted for targets and incentives.
  • You will be required to report your daily activities and tours in writing as per the standard format of DSRs – Daily Service Report on weekly basis.
  • You will be required to attend monthly/ quarterly/ annually (as the case may be) held sales meetings


Marketing / Business Development

Preferred Education

PostgraduateBPharm (Bachelor Of Pharmacy)

Key Skills

Attention to DetailSales ManagerEffective Communication Skills

Contact Info


B-92, Sector 2, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301